Saturday, June 23, 2012

See you in 2014, Mom and Dad...

"A stint in India will beat the restlessness out of any living creature." 
Life of Pi

Clearly I haven't had my stint in India yet, because I spend my free time at work either plotting absurd cross-country trips, re-planning my life (God laughs, then gets serious with me), or choking down yet another sports column (which can sometimes be rewarding, even amidst the glut of NBA the way, thanks for winning, LeBron. I'm happy both for you and for normal deadlines at the paper again). 

But here's the result of my restlessness. Just think:
  1. This particular dream trip is a bargain at 260 hours. If you think it's not worth it, consider that I would be traveling north anyway to get home from Florida.
  2. I'll be able to visit all the people I thought I'd never see again. So I'll cry leaving them again, which is both cathartic for me and a great chance for you to invest in facial tissue stock.
  3. If anyone is free for the Anchorage-to-Yellowstone stretch, I'm willing to move my pillow for you. Books-on-tape recommendations would also be welcome.   

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I should probably go to India before I start planning my road trips for the rest of the continents...

1 comment:

  1. Andrew wants to do a road trip to Alaska - he looked it up, and it's only 88 hours from Palm Beach Gardens. You're welcome to join us!
