Ok, normally I'm not a big events person, but this year I'm participating in Relay for Life, which is an American Cancer Society fundraiser where teams commit to having at least one team member walking/running all through the night to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. This cause is close to my heart because of all the people I've known who have battled and are battling cancer. I know most people today can relate, too: whenever the topic of cancer comes up, almost everyone says they know someone affected by the killer disease.
Although death and disease will be a reality for us until heaven and God uses cancer and other hardships in our lives to bring us closer to Him (click here to read John Piper's article on not wasting your cancer), God has also gifted us with the capacity for compassion. He has mercifully given us the ability to research and discover new medicines and treatments (here's another article by Piper about our response to disease). God is always in control and He is always good. I'm relaying for my family and friends, but I'm also relaying for the glory of the One who gives and takes away with perfect wisdom and goodness. Blessed be His name.
Relay for Life link (you can donate here if you want, or maybe just take a moment to pray for the bodies and souls of those suffering from cancer): http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY11SA?px=20646250&pg=personal&fr_id=32723
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